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In the unlikely event that no new collective labor agreement text is available on 1 January, the agreements from the negotiated result will not yet take effect. The Royal Dutch Transport (KNV) informs its members about this in an email. In that case, the wage increase resulting from the negotiation result is therefore not immediately applicable. The members' meeting of KNV Healthcare Transport and Taxi approved the collective labor agreement negotiation result in November. The parties agreed, among other things, that step 2 of the wage structure for mobile workers will be deleted as of 1 January 2022, that wages will increase by 2,5% and that new agreements will apply for paid time.


The editorial committee of the parties to the collective agreement recently met again to continue working on the new collective agreement text based on the negotiated result achieved. During that meeting, it became apparent that the editorial committee was unable to process the negotiation result in a CLA text. The reason for this is that divisions arose in the editorial committee about what exactly the social partners wanted to arrange for part of the 'paid time' agreements. This means that the social partners must first discuss this themselves again before further work can be done on a new CLA text. The consultation of the parties will take place shortly.

"In addition to the wage increase, agreements have also been made about the so-called 'paid time'. Care transport and taxi drivers often have to deal with interruptions during journeys. The question then always arises as to what time is and is not paid. must be available for hours in a day and still only get paid for 12 hours."

The Taxi sector mainly concerns minibuses. A new collective labor agreement is in sight for the approximately 27.000 drivers in healthcare transport and taxi in the Netherlands. Wages will increase by 1% from 2022 January 2,5. The trade unions have made agreements about this with the KNV employers' organization. The current collective labor agreement expires at the end of this year. The new collective labor agreement has a term of one year, from 1 January 2022 to 1 January 2023. 

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not paid

In the new collective labor agreement, the current arrangement with unpaid interruptions will disappear. Then these drivers who provide a primary service, namely mobility for children, the sick and the elderly, will be paid. There will be a 12,5% ​​break in 1 shift. It has also been agreed that there will be a (mandatory) digital payroll portal, in which the start and end times must be entered. This new portal forms the basis for the drivers' monthly wage payments.

Also read: Kiwaregister rates must be further reduced for KNV

Bertho Eckhardt
Bertho Eckhardt - chairman KNV and Bus transport Netherlands