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Not urgent enough for national politics.

The oral questions from MP D66 Paul van Meenen, which he wanted to ask, also on behalf of VVD, PVV, PvdA, GroenLinks, SP, ChristenUnie and SGP, about the serious problems in student transport for special education were not granted.

Parties from left to right in the House of Representatives want clarification from Minister Wiersma about the shortage of bus drivers, as a result of which thousands of students in special education are hours late for school every day. In a tweet he still publishes the parliamentary questions in response to the rain of complaints from parents about Trevvel.

Parliamentary questions Member of Parliament D66 - Paul van Meenen

According to a study, the problem would affect 14.000 students nationwide. According to Pupils' Interest Secondary Special Education, parents are now massively sending private taxis to schools to pick up their child because they have to work and therefore have no other option. 

Many drivers from student transport were thanked during the corona crisis and have now left for private taxi companies that can arrange transport. For LBVSO it is mmost poignant in the whole #Pupil TransportCrisis It is true that all carriers only came up with a letter bomb the day before the start of the school and that municipalities say that they have “been robbed”. The interest group speaks of a major disaster with far-reaching consequences for those thousands of students in special education. 

While trade union FNV argues for a minimum hourly wage of EUR 14 per hour in the sector, KNV says that higher wages are not the solution. Spokesperson Hilbert Michel of the trade association Royal Dutch Transport (KNV) acknowledges the problems. “There are just too few people.”


Read also  Rotterdam College reprimanded: student was entitled to taxi transport

Pupils Importance of Secondary Education (LBVSO) stands up for the interests of all pupils in secondary special education (VSO) – from cluster 1 to cluster 4. We also represent the interests of home-schoolers and VAVO pupils (adult education). LBVSO ensures that the voice of all these students is heard.

Dennis Wiersma, Minister for Primary and Secondary Education Image: ©RVD - Valerie Kuypers and Martijn Beekman
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