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The expansion of travel assistance is just one aspect of a broader initiative to improve the accessibility of public transport.

With the recent expansion of travel assistance at Dutch train stations, the Dutch Railways (NS) is committed to equal travel options for everyone. From Sunday 10 December, travel assistance will be available at almost all stations where NS trains stop, a milestone that is particularly significant for travellers with a disability.


This development is the result of years of effort by NS to significantly increase the number of stations with travel assistance. In collaboration with ProRail, stations have been equipped with facilities such as lifts and ramps, while platforms have been adjusted to the correct height. As a result, not only all sprinter trains but also the latest intercity trains are accessible to everyone. It is expected that this number will increase even further in the coming years.

These improvements make it increasingly easier for customers with a disability to travel independently. Where independent travel is not yet possible, or where additional assistance is required, NS now offers assistance at 241 stations. This service is available from the first to the last train and can be requested free of charge up to one hour before departure via various channels.

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Cartoon: Pitane Blue - NS focuses on travel assistance.

“When I won the first Miss(s) election for women with a physical disability in 2006, I expressed the wish for accessible public transport. The freedom to move around and thus really be able to participate in society. At the time, assistance was offered at only 37% of NS stations. The fact that we can now book assistance at almost 100% of the stations where NS stops and thus be able to participate makes me grateful and also proud.”

Roos Prommenschenckel, founder of the foundation of the same name, emphasizes the importance of these developments. Despite this progress, there are still a few stations where full travel assistance is not yet possible, due to the lack of the necessary facilities. However, ProRail has also taken steps this year to further adapt stations and make them more accessible. 

NS works together with various interest groups, including the Roos Prommenschenckel Foundation, Ieder(in), the Coalition for Inclusion and the Oogvereniging, to continuously improve the accessibility and reliability of train travel. These joint efforts have resulted in a significant improvement in the infrastructure, allowing passengers with a disability to travel independently more often. 

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