This agreement, spread over 26 pages, outlines an ambitious policy on various fronts, ranging from the economy to migration.
After long negotiations, there is white smoke: the maximum speed on Dutch highways is increasing. According to the new coalition agreement of PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB, called 'Hope, courage and pride', the maximum speed outside rush hours will be increased again to 130 km/h. This is a clear change of course compared to the measure introduced in March 2020, where the speed was reduced to 100 km/h for environmental reasons.
Important steps are also being taken in the field of infrastructure and public transport. The speed limit on certain highways will be increased to 130 kilometers per hour. Investments are also being made in public transport, with specific attention to the Lelylijn, a new train connection that connects Lelystad with Groningen, and improved bus connections between rural village centers.
The parties emphasize the need for social security, improvement of care and tackling the high influx of asylum seekers and immigrants. The future of the agricultural sector is also receiving special attention, with plans to offer farmers, gardeners and fishermen prospects again.
One of the most striking proposals within the agreement is to drastically reduce the deductible in healthcare from 385 euros to 165 euros, although this change will not take effect until 2027. In addition, the coalition proposes to alleviate labor by possibly introducing an additional bracket in income tax, and strives for almost free childcare for parents to facilitate the combination of work and family life.
In the field of migration and asylum, the agreement proposes to implement the strictest measures ever. It is proposed to introduce a temporary Asylum Crisis Act that allows drastic measures during crisis situations. Furthermore, the rules surrounding permanent residence permits will be tightened, family reunification will be limited and the priority of status holders in the allocation of social housing will be abolished.

End of government formation in the Netherlands: "I don't see this going wrong anymore." Although it is not immediately clear who will become prime minister.
At the same time, the coalition wants to rearrange European asylum and migration policy through more national control and stricter border control. The conditions for labor and study migrants are also being tightened, including higher language requirements and restrictions on the number of foreign students admitted.
In the agricultural sector, plans are aimed at adapting European rules, such as the Nitrate Directive, and strengthening the structure of nature reserves within the Natura 2000 regulations. The policy also aims to stimulate agriculture by reintroducing 'red diesel' for agricultural vehicles and by promoting innovation within the sector, without resorting to forced reduction of livestock or expropriation of agricultural land.
With regard to energy and climate, the coalition strives to achieve the set climate goals, while maintaining the climate fund. A notable shift is the planned construction of four large nuclear power stations, doubling previous plans, to increase the Netherlands' energy independence.
The healthcare sector will be strengthened in the form of better working conditions for staff and a focus on efficient and politically neutral teaching methods in education. In the field of security, efforts against organized crime are being stepped up and penalties for serious crimes are being increased.
Internationally, the Netherlands remains involved in supporting Ukraine and plans to increase defense spending to NATO standards. Consideration is also being given to moving the Dutch embassy to Jerusalem.
Economically, recently increased taxes on entrepreneurs are being partially reversed, and the aim is to strike a balance between cuts and new spending. With this broad range of policy initiatives, the new coalition positions the Netherlands as a country that is ready to build the future in a well-thought-out and dynamic way.