Lights and fun now that the Christmas tram is back...

Lights and fun now that the Christmas tram is back...

Carlo ScheirDecember 16 20233 reading time

​In Ghent, the end of the year only really announces itself as soon as the Christmas tram leaves. The Ghent Winter Festivities, an annual highlight in the Artevelde city, will also receive a special addition in 2023 from today in the form of the illuminated Christmas tram. This…

Government and aviation sector tackle troublemakers

Government and aviation sector tackle troublemakers

EditorsDecember 15 20232 reading time

The collaboration is an important step in guaranteeing safety and comfort in aviation. The Dutch government and the sector have taken a significant step in the fight against disruptive passengers in aviation. A joint…


Safer cycling now De Lijn de Ghent…

Carlo ScheirDecember 15 20234 reading time

It is an example of how public transport and cycling infrastructure can evolve together for safer and more efficient urban mobility. De Lijn, the Flemish transport company, is taking energetic steps to improve cycling safety around tram tracks in Ghent. This initiative is…

De Lijn and basic accessibility, reform or…

De Lijn and basic accessibility, reform or…

Carlo ScheirDecember 14 20233 reading time

The criticism focuses on the introduction of the concept of basic accessibility. This policy abandons the principle of a bus or tram stop within a certain distance for every Flemish person and focuses instead on determining supply based on demand.

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Canada and Sweden the safest countries for…

Canada and Sweden the safest countries for…

Gerrit SayyDecember 14 20234 reading time

The world still has a long way to go to protect its most vulnerable groups. Around this time of year it is the time for lists and overviews. The published 2023 LGBTQ+ Danger Index, compiled by Asher…