PITANE.BLUE is the free internet magazine about all forms of mobility, passenger transport and Mobility as a Service. Every day, our editorial team goes to great lengths to create the best journalism for you. We collect online news, studies, opinions, interviews and facts.
We have the ambition to be the most valuable source of information for the Netherlands and Flanders when it comes to mobility. Striving for objectivity does not mean that we are colorless in our journalistic choices or comments. We are convinced that the public interest is best served by economic progress.
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Responsible publisher
Pitane Blue Media
Verdunplein 3A
5627 SZ Eindhoven
Telephone editors: + 3140-7440235
Chamber of Commerce number: 17117270
VAT number: NL808347688B01
Chief editor
Gerrit Saey - member of the Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ).
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