Route to school shorter by bike than by…

Route to school shorter by bike than by…

Schools have been in session for a number of weeks now and this is noticeable, it is again very busy with cycling students on their way to…

riding a bike

VVN Traffic Exam exists 90 years

The Netherlands is truly a cycling country, it is taught to us at a young age. You learn to cycle from an early age and our country is ideal for this with thousands of kilometers…

Election: An ANWB roundabout in front of a schoolyard

Election: An ANWB roundabout in front of a schoolyard

333 primary schools in the Netherlands are participating in the election 'An ANWB Traffic Square for a schoolyard'. At a traffic circle, children learn in a safe environment how to deal with different traffic situations...


Taxi companies suffer from weather conditions

Today it will be an almost impossible task for many taxi companies to take travelers to special transport or primary schools on time. Despite downscaling by the KNMI to code…

Restart secondary education for OMT still a long way away

Restart secondary education for OMT still a long way away

The Outbreak Management Team estimates that the risk to public health associated with opening childcare, primary schools, after-school care and special care after the May holidays...