
Stella restart: investor Scheybeek takes over company after bankruptcy

Dutch e-bike brand Stella Fietsen, which went bankrupt last month…


Saint Nicholas in Vianen: Piets on bicycles and a…

The Pieten's choice to make their journey by bike…


Stella Bikes finally bankrupt: Belgian stores also close…

Stella Bikes, the well-known Dutch manufacturer of electric bicycles, is…

Philip Watteeuw

Ghent divided over mobility policy: growing criticism of neighbourhood plans

A fierce debate is raging in Ghent about the current mobility policy,…


Shuttel: cycling to work is gaining ground on public transport

Cycling to work is becoming increasingly popular and is proving to be a…

bicycle junction

From Limburg to Texel: 25 years of cycling junctions in the Netherlands

The concept of cycle junctions offers cyclists the opportunity to…

Government staff: green light for more sustainable travel and cycling is…

Government staff: green light for more sustainable travel and cycling is…

In the context of sustainability, the parties have agreed to…

Karima Delli

EU: green light for bicycle revolution sets pedals in motion

The European Declaration on Cycling illustrates the growing recognition of…

Road safety: money tap open for safer roads

Road safety: money tap open for safer roads

At a time when the number of road casualties is increasing alarmingly,…

Dries van Agt, a life dedicated to politics, passion…

Dries van Agt, a life dedicated to politics, passion…

After his political career, Van Agt remained active in various…