Tailgating remains a persistent problem on the highway

Tailgating remains a persistent problem on the highway

With almost three in ten drivers driving dangerously close to the car in front of them, tailgating remains a persistent problem. This risky behavior emerges from a large-scale study by the traffic institute…

relax as a driver

Gilkinet's policy resistance to self-driving cars is a bump in the road

Meanwhile, voices from academia, including Steven Latré of Imec, are calling for pilot projects to further develop self-driving technology.

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Finally rain coming, watch out for the slippery road surface

Finally rain coming, watch out for the slippery road surface

From Monday and the days that follow, the chance of showers remains high. The Belgian Traffic Institute warns of treacherous slippery conditions. Motorcyclists and car drivers in particular must be alert...

LGBTQI+ traffic lights are against traffic laws

LGBTQI+ traffic lights are against traffic laws

The idea is simple, but powerful. Some are concerned about road safety, others think that the attention paid to the LGBTQI+ community has gradually stopped. In addition to…