Deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities also call for a taxi

As an entrepreneur you may not immediately think about it, but deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech impairments also want to call your company for a taxi. This is not happening now because your company is probably not ready to offer this service. Pitane Mobility would like to help you on your way with offering this service.

Different possibilities

Via the mediation service of KPN Teletolk, deaf, hard of hearing, people with a speech impairment and hearing can use a Pitane Mobility exchange to call with text, speech and images.

You can choose whether you want the conversation to be mediated in text or image. With the text mediation service, the spoken words are converted into text. At the image brokerage service, sign language interpreters are ready to convert the spoken language into sign language, and vice versa.

Image mediation is provided by registered sign language interpreters. Text mediation is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Image mediation is available every day from 7.00:20.00 to XNUMX:XNUMX. 

To be able to use KPN Teletolk, the traveler must register once. After registration, your customer can immediately call and be called via the mediation service.

 Trevvel Rotterdam, a beautiful one example of integration with a Pitane Mobility control center.

More information about
KPN Teleinterpreter 
click here

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