More than 2,5 million people will soon pay public transport with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin

Soon residents of Fortaleza, Brazil's fifth largest city, will be able to pay for public transport not only with a debit or credit card, but also with Bitcoin. More than 2,5 million people who can come into contact with cryptocurrency in this way.

The news came last week outwards via the local news website O Povo. The public transport organization CooTraps will expand the possibilities to pay for the services provided. In addition to credit and debit cards, passengers can also use “cryptocurrency like Bitcoin”. The new system must be operational by the end of this year.

According to the news, the new payment options are aimed at attracting more customers and "reducing bureaucracy within the system".

“We expect a greater influx of people, and we are going to make it easier for passengers,” said Carlos Robério Sampaio, CFO of CooTraps.

As usual, a (mobile) application is needed to pay with cryptocurrency. Users scan a QR code and then complete the transaction on their own device. Similar news previously came from Argentina. There you can pay across the country with cryptocurrency for the use of public transport.

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