Uber pays more than € 3 million fine in Denmark

Taxi Copenhagen

Uber continues to cost millions to the economy, justice and governments across Europe. Almost all countries of our continent have problems with the company. In Denmark it paid more than € 3 million fine to avoid a lawsuit. Danish justice reached an agreement with Uber on Friday that was prosecuted for complicity in illegal activities. The booking platform has agreed to pay a fine of 3,3 million euros. As allowed under Danish law, an agreement was reached without trial.

"The Dutch subsidiary of Uber has now approved a fine of 25 million kroner for complicity in taxi law violations," the police said in a statement.

Uber claimed 2.000 drivers and 300.000 customers in Denmark. Several former Uber drivers have been convicted in Denmark for violating taxi law. The company's practices are also tough in the Netherlands under fire. There is no country where the company has not yet seen the courts or conflicts with industry, unions or government. And yet it continues with often 'questionable' activities.

poor working conditions

For many drivers, a restart is no longer possible after the corona crisis. Consumers also have to stop en masse to Uber's way of working in the Netherlands by ignoring the company. 

“If you as a consumer don't want to buy clothes from factories in countries like Bangladesh, where people work under very poor working conditions, don't let Uber drive you around. In recent months we have seen a lot of misery among freelancers in the taxi sector who were working for Uber before the corona crisis, ”says Gerrit Saey.

After answers to questions to Minister Koolmees by members of the House of Representatives, we clearly see that the cabinet is also answering avoids when it comes to the working method of the online booking platform and the exploitation of Uber drivers. 

Also read: Free game for social exploitation and Uber in Antwerp

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