Private lease is the perfect solution for many of us

private lease

There comes a time when your old car is worn out, it has too many defects to be made. With pain in your heart you say goodbye to your “old cup”. Now there really has to be another car, you cannot do without a car. But the money in your savings account is actually just not enough to buy back a comparable size car that is also several years younger. What do you do, do you buy a second-hand car, which will cost a bomb in repairs in a few years? Or are you going to drive a brand new car, without worries, via a private lease and are you left with your savings for other fun things?

not buying a new car but leasing one

According to Sprout More and more Dutch people are opting for a private lease car for the reasons described above. You can drive a brand new car this way, but you don't have to suddenly put down a lot of money to buy the car. You pay a fixed and pre-agreed monthly amount. Not enough savings in the account for a new car is not the only reason why people so often choose private lease. If you want to enjoy a new reliable car with all certainties and a clear financial security, then private lease is the perfect solution.

financial security and always reliable transport

When you choose a private lease car, you conclude a contract with one
leasing company. You pay them a pre-agreed monthly amount, they buy the car for you, as it were, and lend it to you. In addition, the
lease company all expenses and other car costs. So you don't have to pay the monthly amount no car insurance to pay, no road tax, no maintenance and even no repair costs. If your lease car breaks down, you will immediately receive replacement transport and the lease company solves the problems. All you have to do is occasionally refuel, pay the ticket for the car wash and the parking garage and make sure you don't traffic fines are driving, because you must of course pay them yourself.

ideal, everything under one roof!

So are you about to sell, scrap or trade in your old car? Are you considering purchasing a private lease car? Or are you just looking for an affordable alternative car? Then you are there Autonomer.nl at the right place. This is the platform where you can find everything that has to do with four wheels. The website for car sellers, lease drivers and car enthusiasts. Here you will be helped with the sale of your current car, you will find tools for purchasing a new car and you can read all the information you can think of about means of transport.

Also read: Working Dutch people are open to a business lease bicycle

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