Busy trains at NS again soon

mandatory wearing of mask

Train passengers have had space in the train in the past year due to the corona rules and the recurring lockdown, usually travelers had a 'four' for themselves. At the moment more and more complaints from travelers are being received by the Dutch Railways about overcrowded trains. Travelers currently find a train that is occupied for 40 percent already busy, before the corona crisis that was if the train was 90 percent occupied.

Tjalling Smit, Board of Directors NS: “There is no conceivable timetable that does not require passengers to sit next to each other, even if we use all our trains and run at maximum length. As more people hit the road, the train will get busier again. And travelers now experience this differently than for corona. Before the crisis, travelers found a train busy when it was 90 percent occupied, now that percentage is already around 40 percent. ”

Tjalling Smit warns that travelers should take into account that the trains will soon have to be seated next to each other again. Especially when we come out of the lockdown and go back to 'normal' more and more. It is impossible to realize a timetable that does not require passengers to sit next to each other, even if all trains are operated at maximum length. Of course, wearing a mouth mask remains mandatory. 

“Due to the corona crisis, we are facing an enormous financial challenge like NS and there is still much uncertainty about further government support. Passenger numbers are currently so low that it is logical and responsible that some trains are shorter than before. In this way everyone has a seat, the Netherlands remains accessible and the train remains affordable. ” Smit emphasizes that passenger numbers always remain the starting point of the timetable and not the financial situation. "For example, we are already taking into account that after the summer we will have to run longer trains to give everyone a seat."

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