German corona rules unworkable in Dinxperlo

The border marking between Dinxperlo and Suderwick - ANP VINCENT JANNINK

A border marker between the Achterhoek border village of Dinxperlo and the German neighboring village of Suderwick. Due to the tightening of German policy, the Dutch are no longer formally allowed to cross the border if they cannot immediately demonstrate that they have tested negative for the corona virus. The new German corona rules have a significant impact on residents located directly against the German neighboring village of Suderwick. They are actually unworkable.

Crossing the street between the villages without a negative test result is formally no longer allowed. Also strange scenes last weekend. Dutch motorists were waiting in line at the petrol station just across the German border. The mandatory negative corona test to be allowed to enter Germany caused a large influx of Dutch people at petrol stations just across the German border.

Read for: The Netherlands designated as a high-risk area for Germany


Penny Market in SUDERWICK
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