Best time to change car tires

winter tires

Car tires are a very important part of the car, it is not for nothing that the law prescribes a minimum profile depth of 1,6 mm, for example. The condition of car tires is very important for road safety. The tire pressure is also very important, if the tire pressure is too low, the tires can become too hot at high speed and eventually collapse. The type of tire is also very important in certain weather conditions. For example, you have summer tires, winter tires and All-season tires. Summer tires offer the best grip at temperatures above 7 degrees and therefore wear less quickly. Winter tires offer the best grip at 7 degrees or lower, but if they are used at higher temperatures, they wear out faster.

All-season tires can be left on your car all year round, this is the ideal invention for people who don't feel like changing their tires twice a year. The only question is every year when will I replace my winter tires for summer tires and vice versa. Now that we have arrived in spring, many people are wondering, when is the best time to change my tires. Especially now that we even had winter scenes in April and may still get them. The advice of VACO (industry organization for the tire and wheel industry in the Netherlands) is to change tires during the start of summer and winter time, this is easy to remember and according to them the safest time. They also have a campaign, 'The tire change weeks', in which they call on motorists in the Netherlands to have their tires changed at the right time.

Also read: Safe Traffic Netherlands starts campaign 

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