As of today corona stamp in yellow vaccination booklet

not every GGD registers vaccines in the yellow booklet

We all know him, the yellow book in which we have our (holiday) vaccinations. Why is there a vaccination booklet? This unnecessary vaccination booklet was there long before corona broke out and is international proof of vaccinations and very useful when you travel. You received this booklet from the GGD when you went to get your vaccination. Some countries recommend or require certain inoculations for travelers upon entry. All vaccinations are listed together in one booklet and approved by the RIVM. The booklet is also recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). 

As of today, people who have such a yellow vaccination booklet can take it to the vaccination location where they receive a corona vaccination. If you ask for it, you will receive a stamp for your corona vaccination in your vaccination booklet from today. People who have already been vaccinated and do not yet have a stamp can now visit a vaccination location without an appointment. They must, however, bring proof of identity and the vaccination registration card. The (corona) stamp is an extra service because many people ask for it and would like to have such a stamp of the corona vaccine in their booklet. The GGD advises to keep the vaccination registration card in the yellow booklet, even if you have a stamp. The stamp is not official proof of vaccination, VWS is currently working on a fraud-resistant vaccination certificate, it, Digital Corona Certificate. It will probably be ready in July.

Also read: EU countries and European Parliament agree on corona travel pass

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