Significant investment required for public transport

Rover Travelers Association has been around since 1971 and represents the interests of travelers who use public transport. The objectives of this passenger association include improving the quality of public transport and promoting the growth of public transport. Rover wants more money from the cabinet for public transport. Rover recently asked this in a letter to the informant of the House of Representatives. This letter asks to invest heavily in expanding sustainable mobility. By 2030, public transport must be doubled to prevent a 'public transport infarction'.

“Public transport has been modernized nationally, regionally and locally over the past decade and has become much more efficient. But investments and operating fees have lagged far behind the social demand for sustainable mobility and good accessibility within and between regions. Solving bottlenecks across the country is a major task. In the coming cabinet term, a scale jump in public transport is necessary to prevent a public transport infarction around 2030. From the perspective of the climate agenda, the housing task, quality of life and road safety, a doubling of public transport before 2030 is crucial and urgent.”

According to Rover it was agreed in the climate agreement that employers, together with the government, will ensure that 2030 billion fewer car kilometers will be traveled between home and work by 8. Municipalities, provinces, housing associations and project developers also only want to build the 1 million extra homes if there is sustainable access via bicycle infrastructure and public transport. To be able to realize all this before 2030, a substantial investment is needed.

“Rover is very willing to advise on public transport in the coming cabinet term, at the request of the cabinet, parliament or on its own initiative. Rover is of course happy to explain our ideas in more detail. We wish you every success with the further negotiations on the coalition agreement and the formation of a coalition."

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