Speed ​​camera tolerance margins are abolished

mobile speed trap

Justice Minister Van Quickenborne wants to end the tolerance that is applied to speed cameras. “Flash checks and section checks will be able to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week and the tolerance margins will be abolished,” said Van Quickenborne. The tolerance of the speed cameras is usually set at 5% of the maximum speed. If the maximum speed is below 100 km/h, the tolerance is fixed at 5 km/h.

Road pirates will be fined more quickly in the future if they drive too fast. The quotas that some public prosecutors use must also be removed. In some regions, the speed cameras are even just turned off after they have flashed a predetermined number of cars. Because otherwise the influx would become too great when processing the fines. The government also wants to map the repeat offenders, ie those who repeatedly commit an offence. For example, someone who often receives an amicable settlement due to a minor speeding offence, but who therefore never has to appear in court, will nevertheless come into the picture of the judiciary. In 2019, 4,44 million Belgians received a traffic fine on their bus. In 93 percent of the cases, those fines were actually paid. 

speed cameras don't flash

Done with the flash cameras that look like large iron nesting boxes. The new generation of cameras is not only a lot smaller, they also offer many more options. And that's especially bad news for drivers with overweight feet. The cost is around 26.000 euros per pile, but it will probably pay for itself quickly. One of the major advantages of the new speed cameras is that they are equipped with an infrared camera and therefore do not flash. 

Radar detectors are banned in Belgium. These are devices that can detect speed radars. Devices that impede or disrupt the operation of speed radars are also not allowed. There are many GPS devices and apps that indicate where fixed speed radars ('speed cameras') are located. They therefore do not actively detect, but pass on information about the known locations, the so-called radar detectors. They are allowed in Belgium. 

measurement correction

Speed ​​checks are a hot topic. When the police flash a vehicle, two things are taken into account. To be able to guarantee with 100% certainty that someone has driven too fast, the police deduct a few kilometers from the measured speed. On most roads, a lower limit of 4 km/h applies before a ticket is issued. There is no lower limit only on motorways where 120 is allowed. The speed limit here is from 1 km/h.

Also read: Foreigners barely pay their parking fines

typical Belgian speed camera
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