Picnic will also come to Hoorn at the end of October

Online supermarket Picnic will expand to Hoorn at the end of October. More than 30.000 households can now register via the app and have their groceries delivered to their home for free. Picnic's characteristic electric cars will drive through the West Frisian town from mid-October.

The delivery area in the north of North Holland is increasing. After Heerhugowaard, Purmerend and Zaandam, it is now Hoorn's turn. Picnic now delivers the groceries free of charge to more than 650.000 customers at more than 125 locations in the Netherlands. The supermarket started in Amersfoort six years ago, and then expanded to large and smaller places in our country. 

Register in the app

The more than 70.000 inhabitants of Hoorn can now register with the Picnic app on their mobile phone and thus ensure a place on the waiting list. Everyone on the waiting list will be admitted in phases. “The sooner people download the app and register, the sooner it is their turn,” said Michiel Muller, co-founder of Picnic.

The web supermarket will hit the road in Hoorn for the first time at the end of October with fifteen electric delivery carts and thirty deliverers. Depending on the demand of the so-called 'Horinese' for online groceries, this number will be increased later. The groceries are delivered from the hub (the local distribution point) at Marktplein 2-4-6 in nearby Zwaagdijk in Hoorn. 


Children are present in more than a third of the households in Hoorn. This is more than the average in the Netherlands. “Experience shows that families are often busy and like to spend their time usefully. Not having to go to the supermarket to do their own shopping is a pleasant side effect for this group. Because we deliver at home for free, these families have time to do fun things," says Muller.

Because people no longer drive to the supermarket, less CO2 is emitted. The electric carts with which Picnic delivers are environmentally friendly, quiet and compact. Picnic also puts an end to food waste, because it only purchases those foodstuffs that have actually been ordered by customers. That way nothing is lost

About Picnic

Before launch at the end of 2015, picnic worked in silence with a team of 30 specialists for three years on home delivery of groceries without unnecessary intermediaries. The customer chooses which ride is most convenient and knows exactly what time the delivery will take place via the Picnic shopping radar up to the minute. The costs of this new way of distribution are so low that delivery is free and the groceries have the lowest price. Picnic also started in Germany in 2018 and in France in 2021. Picnic is an initiative of entrepreneurs Joris Beckers, Frederik Nieuwenhuys, Michiel Muller and Daniel Gebler.

Also read: Faster growth of electric cars than expected

Picnic car
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