Central government has spent less on traffic and transport in recent years

In recent years, the central government has spent less on traffic and transport, while the provinces have spent more on things like roads and public transport. Municipalities' expenditure in this area remained more or less the same.

This is apparent from research by the Knowledge Institute for Mobility (KiM) over the years 2008 to 2019. During that period, total government expenditure rose from more than 11 billion euros to more than 12 billion euros. Adjusted for inflation, however, there was a decrease of 0,6 billion euros.

In 2008, the provinces and transport regions spent 1,8 billion euros on traffic and transport. Eleven years later, that was 2,6 billion euros. The extra money mainly went to public transport. Municipal spending rose slightly in the same period from 2,8 billion euros to more than 3 billion euros.

Central government expenditure remained around 6 billion euros. The government's share in total expenditure for 2008-2019 fell in this period from 59 percent to 52 percent. That of the provinces and regional regions rose from 17 percent to 22 percent.

Over this period, the various governments spent slightly less on roads, rail and public transport. In fact, slightly more was spent on waterways. The share spent on management and maintenance rose. By far the most money still goes to road traffic.

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