Shortage of drivers in the transport sector urgent

After a brief slump, the driver shortage is greater than ever. In the third quarter of 2021, the number of vacancies peaked at 11.650, making the driver shortage within the transport sector the most acute. The most recent Transport and Logistics Sector Monitor shows that the labor market in the sector is struggling with a shortage of personnel. According to Statistics Netherlands, a staff shortage at the end of 2021 is the most experienced obstacle in the Netherlands.

A combination of sharply increasing demand in 2021 and declining net inflows has pushed up the deficit. In addition to an aging population and a greater outflow into retirement, there is also 'dejuvenation'. The share of drivers under the age of 35 was 2021% in mid-18, compared to 24% five years earlier.

The profession of driver is not attractive enough for a sufficient intake of young people. This is difficult to compensate with side entry. A modern form of employership that also allows part-time employment is necessary to structurally bind more people to the company. Image improvement needs to be addressed. The profession must again become attractive to a larger group of people.

Salary increase alone is not enough

A modern form of employership that also allows part-time employment is necessary to structurally bind more people to the company. So the sector must look at the fringe benefits and make the profession less demanding by improving working conditions.

Also read: Heineken uses electric truck for longer distances

Critical shortage of drivers within the transport sector.
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