Wrong estimate of current mobility costs

Potential of Private Lease not fully utilized; Dutch motorists have difficulty accurately estimating their monthly car costs. Christine de Boer T +6 28 11 77 11 Christine.deBoer@gfk.com ...

Private lease has now become an integral part of the automotive sector. No less than 78% of the Dutch will be familiar with the concept of private lease in 2021. However, not every Dutch person switches to this concept. Figures from the annual GfK Private Lease Monitor show that an important reason for this is the (too) low estimate of current mobility costs. Dutch motorists have difficulty estimating their monthly car costs, especially depreciation and maintenance.

No less than 54% of motorists in the Netherlands have no idea what the car costs per month. While the other 46% of motorists often underestimate the costs. The low estimate of mobility costs is therefore the main reason why motorists expect a private lease construction to be more expensive than the current cost level. Private lease drivers and those interested in private lease, on the other hand, have a much better understanding of these expenses and estimate their expenses more realistically than other motorists.

Private lease driver is open to electric driving.

Private lease drivers and potential private lease drivers indicate that they are highly open to electric driving via private lease. 46% of the current private lease drivers and 33% of the consumers interested in a private lease drive electrically when purchasing another car, compared to 13% of the non-private lease drivers. The other private lease drivers consider the lack of good charging options, range and charging time the most important reasons not to drive an electric car.

The GfK Private Lease Monitor 2022 is planned. More information about the GfK Private Lease Monitor can be found on the GfK landing page† The survey was conducted in July 2021 and will be repeated in mid-August this year. In 2022, GfK will delve more deeply into themes such as price considerations, contract preferences and GfK will also add buy intent clusters.

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Private lease has now become an integral part of the automotive sector. No less than 78% of the Dutch will be familiar with the concept of private lease in 2021.
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