Abolish VAT on public transport tickets

The prices of many essential supplies are skyrocketing as a result of inflation and the energy crisis. It is becoming increasingly difficult for many people because of the sharply rising prices. Travelers association Rover and OV-NL, the trade association of all public transport companies in our country, sound the alarm and have asked the cabinet to abolish VAT on tickets for public transport. Now there is still nine percent VAT on a ticket for public transport, according to them that should be zero percent. By abolishing VAT, public transport will remain attractive in difficult times such as now. Of course, we should also not forget that public transport is clean and sustainable and makes an important contribution to reducing nitrogen emissions.

“We ask the cabinet to keep public transport affordable and attractive for citizens. Reducing the VAT rate on public transport tickets from 9% to 0% is a simple but effective measure that keeps the use of public transport within reach for the traveler. European is no longer an obstacle to this thanks to the amendment of the EU directive at the end of 2021”.

Other countries in Europe have been compensating travelers for some time with discounts for public transport. Public transport in Luxembourg has been free since 2020. Germany came in June, July and August with a 9 euro ticket for a month of unlimited travel. The state of Berlin will launch a 29 euro ticket from October, allowing travelers to travel within the city limits for about one euro per day. In Spain, travelers can recently use the train for free or with a 50 percent discount for local trips and for intercity routes. The scheme is provisionally valid until the end of this year. It remains to be seen whether public transport in the Netherlands will be made even more attractive in these expensive times. Today is Prinsjesdag and we will hear what is happening in the million note state.

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