Unlimited travel by bus or tram for 1 euro per day

Minister Lydia Peeters

Peeters gets the mustard for her proposal abroad.

The Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) puts a remarkable proposal on the table within the Flemish government. Let every Fleming travel unlimited by bus or tram for 1 euro per day this winter. The measure is intended to support the purchasing power of families. At the same time, almost free public transport is a measure that should alleviate traffic congestion in Flanders and that is good for the climate. 

Travel to work would thus become a lot cheaper by bus or tram than by car. According to well-informed sources at De Morgen, the liberal politician is proposing to allow every Fleming to travel unlimited with De Lijn buses or trams this winter for 1 euro per day. Peeters gets the mustard for her proposal abroad. In Germany this summer you could 9 euros per month unlimited travel on public transport, including by train.

In the meantime, Germany has said goodbye to almost free public transport. The costs were too high to continue, the government ruled. Because the tickets were offered far below the price, it cost the state treasury 2,5 billion euros.

Today you pay 7,50 Euro for a day ticket. After the federal government intervened earlier, the Flemish government is now also working on a package of measures to help the population and companies through the energy crisis. The measure, which would run from the beginning of October to the end of April, can also limit the Flemish traffic jams. Other sources confirm that the proposal has been put on the table by Open Vld. It remains to be seen whether the proposal will pass. 

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transport company De Lijn
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