The Council of State nullified the taxi sector implementation decree

V-Tax Ghent

No more permits and driver passes for taxis for the time being, the destruction has a major impact.

Nothing will change for existing holders of taxi licenses and driver passes, but the Council of State annulled the implementing decree, following a petition from the taxi sector. This was reported by the cabinet of Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters (Open VLD).

According to Peeters, the executive order was quashed for 'purely procedural' reasons. The annulment does, however, result in no permits and driver passes can be issued more. The judgment currently entails legal risks.

The destruction has a major impact. There are currently no vehicle and service requirements. The perimeter around the stands and around Brussels Airport has also been destroyed. Street taxis can therefore now temporarily station at and around those locations, but not at the stands.

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Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters

Specifically, this means that the operating conditions of the Decree, but also the procedures for obtaining permits and driver passes, are currently no longer in force. Until a new decision comes into force, the Flemish government asks every city and municipality not to issue new driver passes or permits to taxi drivers or operators

The Decree on Individual Paid Passenger Transport (IBPV) will continue to exist. It is therefore still required to have an IBPV permit and a driver's pass before you can operate a taxi service in Flanders. Taxi drivers and operators who already have a driver's pass and permits can and may continue to perform their job in accordance with the Individually Paid Passenger Transport Decree. Their permits and driver passes remain valid.

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