Use WiFi tracking to find a free seat at NS

The NS is investigating the use of Wi-Fi trackers to make it easier for travelers to find available places in the NS app before the train enters the station. In this way, passengers can better spread their seats on the platform and use the available places.

“The plan will first have to be tested with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. The question then is how quickly it can be implemented. We realize that this is a loaded topic when it comes to privacy. ”, Says Udo Oelen, director of privacy at the Dutch Railways.

It remains to be seen whether this will be the case, because NS will also run into privacy legislation. According to the spokesperson, they want to use the mac address, a unique identification number that every phone has. This is personal data, because in most cases the telephone can be directly linked to the owner via this number and for that reason this data may not be used according to the privacy law.

There are of course other possibilities to measure the pressure within a wagon using other detection systems. It is not known how many people use WiFi on the train, but given the annoyance with the use and current quality of the NS WiFi network, this will be easier.

Also read: NS will remove a discount in the afternoon rush hour and deposit the OV card


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