FNV demands flexibility in the taxi sector during the corona crisis

No matter how heavy taxi entrepreneurs are during the corona crisis, the advice to employees in the FNV taxi sector is more than ever a burden that will be on top of employers, so that the taxi sector will be in heavy weather in the coming period. FNV indicates that it is a difficult and strange time for all professions and we are in a situation that is unknown to everyone and where there are more questions than answers.

At present, a group of taxi drivers are at home, but some of the drivers are still working or partially working, sometimes on other activities than usual. FNV indicates that taxi employers must also take their own protective measures such as making mouth masks, disinfection gel, gloves, etc. available

responsible for a safe workplace

The union calls on the taxi sector to seriously review and comply with these measures. The employer is responsible for a safe workplace and good working conditions.

"Despite the fact that there are hardly any mouth masks to be found and the disinfection gel has been sold everywhere for weeks, the union makes an appeal that if you feel that you cannot do your work safely, you should first knock on the door of your employer and if that doesn't solve the problem, report it to the union. ”

Employers in the taxi industry can appeal to the Emergency Fund that has been introduced by the cabinet. The conditions and the precise details of these are currently being worked out. The cabinet has laid down a whole package of measures to help companies and their employees through the Corona crisis. The FNV was involved in the design of the measures.

as an employee you receive a 100% salary

If the employer calls on the emergency fund, he will be reimbursed a maximum of 90% of the wage costs, depending on how much work has been lost. The employer must then supplement the income up to 100%. A number of large temporary employment agencies in the sector will also appeal to the emergency fund.

  • If you have a permanent contract with hours, you must be paid 100% of your contract hours
  • If you have a temporary contract with hours, you must be paid 100% of your contract hours
  • If you have an annual hours scheme, you must be paid 100% of your annual hours per month
  • If you are MUPPER with a number of hours on contract, you will receive 100% of your fixed number of hours

For temporary workers in the taxi sector with permanent employment or temporary employment with hours, the same payment scheme as indicated above applies for if you are employed immediately.

But there is also a group for which the payment does not apply:

  • If you get fired on probation
  • Temporary contract has expired and has not been renewed before the date of application for the emergency fund.
  • You are MUPPER and you have not worked consecutively for 13 weeks
  • Temporary workers who have worked for less than 26 weeks (who are in the period of exclusion from the continued payment of wages, or the temporary employment agency do not have to continue to pay you in this situation.

replacement work

There are also employers who ask drivers to do other work, such as delivering packages and food. In view of the serious situation in which our country finds itself, it is of great social importance that where possible, respondents can do other or replacement work. Schedules can now also be adjusted due to this situation, FNV advises to consult with the employer if problems arise. Both sides will need flexibility to get through the situation now.

take leave

The union states that you cannot be obliged to take leave. Your employer may ask and you can also indicate that you want to take leave, for example because you now want to provide social support during this time of crisis. As long as you voluntarily do this, there is no problem. But don't be compelled to take leave.

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Alternative activities
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