Flemish taxi companies must apply for Chiron certificates

V-Tax Ghent

In order to comply with the new regulations that will take effect on 1 November, Flemish taxi operators will have to get started on time. Eindhoven-based Censys BV has its hands full with the support of entrepreneurs to guide this process and sees many requests coming in for the Pitane Driver App that was linked to Chiron, the government database. Many of these drivers transport customers for, among others, Mutas, the intermutualist project of the Landsbond der Christelijke en Socialistische Mutualiteiten and its affiliates or health insurance funds.

Taxi companies must send their journey data in real time to the government database Chiron from November 1. When starting and stopping the journey, the data must be sent directly to the database. With the help of the Pitane Mobility Driver App, drivers can already meet the requirements for EUR 15 per month. In addition, the Eindhoven company also offers the possibility to link with its own systems. ICT companies or software developers can use the Pitane Mobility network and the Chiron API for this.

Taxi companies must have a CBE number and the necessary authorization files, also called PEM files. The helpdesk Pitane Mobility supports taxi companies and entrepreneurs who do not have their own ICT employees. 

The increasing demand from the Flemish market is a logical consequence of the digitization that the government wants to implement. The Flemish market is a home game for the originally Flemish company that started in Ghent and moved to Eindhoven 25 years ago.

Chiron is the central journey database for individually paid passenger transport of the Flemish government. The starter guide describes the registration procedure to take part in the first tests for transferring trip data with Chiron. You will also find the connection procedure and the technical format to which the trip data must comply.

Also read: GTL is researching Chiron coupling suppliers

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