Urgent ANVR appeal: 'Use your vouchers as soon as possible'

travel agency

Frank Oostdam, director of travel industry organization ANVR, expects the last minute to be popular this year. January is pre-eminently the month to plan the summer holidays, but at the moment little is being booked. Travel industry organization ANVR understands the situation that the current lockdown must be extended to keep on top of the increasing number of infections, but the travel sector has absolutely no understanding that it is the only sector to be 'locked' until the end of March. The travel sector advocates in line with other sectors in this respect, and is also curious about the additional measures that meet all levels of the travel sector; independent travel agent, travel agencies and tour operators, both large and small.

Many sectors are having a hard time and are doing everything they can to keep their heads above water. But the travel sector has been hit the hardest and has now been virtually completely shut down for about 2020 weeks since March 46 and has 10 weeks to go until the end of March if it doesn't get longer. Although the travel industry is used to something, this can no longer be called a 'challenge' for even the most creative entrepreneur. In a podcast makes an urgent appeal to the ANVR to use the vouchers as soon as possible. In the podcast 'About hope' he looks ahead to 2021. How can we go on holiday healthy and safe?

We ask the government for appropriate support measures to help us bridge the period to the start of recovery. Despite the fact that people are really ready for a holiday and many orient themselves for 'if the weather is possible', the number of bookings is minimal. The cabinet has now decided that travel is not allowed until the end of March instead of mid-March, assuming that non-booking is intended for travel during that period. Like other industries, we also have to deal with enormous costs; for canceling and repatriating many tens and tens of thousands of trips. We therefore assume that we are eligible for the additional measures and compensation for cancellations and repatriations.

The members of the ANVR are central in determining the policy for the trade association. The ANVR board is composed by the members of representatives of travel agents, aviation agents and tour operators, and is supported by the secretariat. Many members are active in consultation platforms, committees and project groups, which also advise the board.

Also read: ANVR seriously disappointed by cabinet travel advice

the travel sector will be faced with extra closed weeks
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