Vaccination passport for the future in question

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Now that a new, even more contagious variant of the corona virus has surfaced, the whole world is in turmoil again. Curfews and lockdowns rule many lives right now. We have not been vaccinating for very long and we are far from there. There are already rumors and discussions that vaccination passports may be coming in the future. It could just be that if you want to go out for dinner or on vacation or to a festival in the future, you will need to show proof of vaccination. Is this science fiction or future music? Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is in favor of the introduction of such a European vaccination certificate.

Prime Minister Mitsotakis' initiative must be urgently approved by the Commission and all Member States. Vaccination is a fundamental key to safely reopening borders and boosting economic recovery. A pan-European mutually recognized vaccination certificate would be an important step in giving governments the confidence to open their borders safely and give passengers the confidence to fly without the barrier of quarantine, ”said Juniac.

Aviation organization IATA (International Air Transport Association) is also in favor of the introduction of a common digital European COVID-19 vaccination certificate. With such a vaccination certificate, anyone who has had a corona vaccination should be able to travel freely within the European Union without first testing beforehand. IATA director Alexandre de Juniac wrote in an open letter to Ursula von der Leyen, to coordinate a policy that ensures renewed freedom of movement. Starting with those who have been vaccinated. The big question is whether this can ever be realized and if so, how? Today, the heads of state of the EU are meeting to discuss this topic.

“We are in the very dark days of this pandemic. But the tough measures taken in conjunction with speeding up vaccination programs should give us hope that we can safely restore freedom of movement. That will save jobs, ease mental anxiety, reconnect families and revitalize the economy. Planning is essential to do this safely and efficiently. Prime Minister Mitsotakis' proposal for vaccine certificates will be an important factor. Test protocols can make progress in eliminating or reducing quarantines. But what we need now is for governments to work together much more effectively. Unilateral government action could quickly dismantle global connectivity. Reconstruction requires coordination, ”said Juniac.

Also read: Vaccination obligation for aviation sector in question

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