Not all GGDs register coronaprik in the vaccination booklet

Not all GGDs register coronaprik in the vaccination booklet

If you have had a vaccination against corona, you will receive confirmation of this. This is, for example, a card or a piece of paper with information about the vaccination. This…


Reissector sees a solution in testing and vaccination passport

Travel companies have been at a standstill for more than a year, travel entrepreneurs are in danger of going under and many of the 20.000 ANVR travel professionals have already lost or will lose their jobs if the…


Soon more clarity on the plan of the vaccination passport

The vaccination passport is a much-discussed item now that we are still in the middle of the corona crisis. Governments worldwide are busy vaccinating against the coronavirus. Several countries, including…

corona vaccination

Willingness to vaccinate before vacation survey

More than eight in ten Dutch people who want to go on holiday abroad this year are willing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 if this is made mandatory. Almost three quarters…


Vaccination passport for the future in question

Now that a new, even more contagious variant of the coronavirus has emerged, the whole world is in turmoil again. Curfews and lockdowns are currently controlling many lives. We…