FVD wants a subsidy for innovation such as hyperloops

Thierry Baudet

For the Forum for Democracy, the excise and road tax may be reduced. In this way they want to return Kok's penny and the Netherlands is no longer the most expensive car country in Europe. Subsidies on electric cars may stop for the FVD and on the other hand, the Forum for Democracy wants subsidies for innovation, such as hyperloops. Just like the CDA, the party wants the Westerscheldetunnel to be toll-free and the maximum speed to be reduced to 130 km / h and, where justified, higher, according to the German model. The FVD writes in the election program want to conduct research into new forms of transport, such as hyperloops, high-speed trains and innovative flight techniques. 

FD's spearhead is tackling underpaid foreign drivers, sham constructions and illegal employment agencies. More enforcement on driving and rest times and cabotage operations and actively combat nuisance along the road. In addition, the traditional transport sector is of great importance to us, but the interests of transporters have been neglected for years. The parking lots along our roads are full of trucks from Eastern European drivers. Underpaid drivers are recruited through secondment schemes and shady employment agencies and sham schemes are set up to avoid the rules.

Parliamentary elections
Parliamentary elections

The Kingdom of the Netherlands includes not only our own country, but also six islands in the Caribbean. Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten are autonomous countries. Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius are special Dutch municipalities. In addition, we have a special, historical relationship with Suriname. Forum for Democracy is proud of our history and seeks to maintain historical ties with our overseas territories. In Suriname we want to support the recent political upheaval in particular. They see opportunities for Dutch companies to invest there and to form a hub between the Netherlands, Suriname and the Caribbean islands with South and Central America. With stable and efficient air connections.

Forum for Democracy is the fastest growing party in the Netherlands. In one year, we have already more than half the number of members that traditional parties have built up over many decades. The political party wants control over our borders. No uncontrolled immigration and fast and effective border controls. All this is incompatible with the EU. The party wants an intelligent exit from the EU (NEXIT), after a binding referendum and to denounce the Schengen treaty.

Forum for Democracy is a Dutch political party with a liberal-conservative signature, it is often regarded as right-wing populist and nationalist. The party was founded in 2015 as a think tank led by Thierry Baudet and Henk Otten. In 2016 FVD became a political party. Party leader of the candidate list is Thierry Baudet.

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