Steps to help you choose the right electric bike

The history of the electric bicycle starts in the 19e century. Electric cycling is very normal nowadays, almost everyone has one in the shed. Years ago, the electric bicycle was a common sight among older cyclists among us, now it is also quite normal among young people. There are hundreds of different electric bicycles for sale from different brands. Which bike should you choose? How do you make the right choice? Kees Bakker (TestKees) is consumer information officer and test editor of the Fietsersbond, he has been closely following all developments related to cycling for years.

“It may seem difficult to choose from dozens of different bicycle brands. And new electric models are added every year. But the diversity is less than the enormous range suggests, says Kees Bakker (TestKees) of the Fietsersbond. All brands rely on the same parts suppliers ”.

According to TestKees, all brands of electric bicycles rely on the same parts suppliers. This means that if you have to make a choice which electric bicycle to buy, it is better to look at the essential parts of the bicycle in question than at the brand of the bicycle. Essential parts of an electric bicycle are, for example, the motor and the gear system. You have to ask yourself which engine, gear system, battery, cycling position and comfort suits you best. This should help you make the right choice.

“A brand name no longer has that much meaning. The name often says something about the sales model or the styling. Stella, for example, is not for sale in the bicycle shop around the corner, but focuses on home sales. Gazelle is for sale in stores and is mainly distinguished by the styling of the bicycle. Other brands try to stand out with a special frame. But that doesn't make much difference to the bicycle, ”says Kees.

Also read: Fietsersbond is looking for volunteers to build a route planner

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