CBR happy, the theory exams start again today

Central Bureau Driving Skills

today is the day that there are a few relaxations and that we are allowed to do some more. We have waited a long time for this, we long for freedom. What we would not have dared to hope for 3 weeks ago has finally arrived. We have some more freedom again. The curfew is canceled, you can receive 2 people at home, the terraces open from 12:00 to 18:00 based on reservation and shops and markets can reopen without a shopping appointment. As of today, the CBR may again offer theory exams. Students at universities and colleges are allowed to go to school 1 day a week from this week. A maximum of 100 people instead of 50 may be present at funerals and cremations. 

The CBR is also very happy, private candidates can again take theory exams for moped, car, motorcycle and recreational craft from today. Previously, this was only possible for your profession, for example for a truck driver's license. Until July, the CBR will keep places available for candidates who previously did not pass the theory exam due to the consequences of the corona crisis. The CBR is doing everything it can to create extra places, they even open in the evenings and on Saturdays. These extra places allow candidates who have already reserved an exam to move it to an earlier or later time. A candidate can move a theory exam five times, previously this was 1 time. You can reschedule the theory exam up to and including 15 May up to 1 day in advance. All theory exams can be passed at no double cost at the CBR.

Also read: This year, from home, commemorate and celebrate May 4 and 5

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