VaxiTaxi provides national transport to and from vaccination locations

Have you scheduled a vaccination appointment? Book a VaxiTaxi!

A trip to the vaccination site to get your COVID-19 vaccination sounds so simple. But it is, unfortunately, not for many people. Not everyone is able to provide transportation to and from the vaccination site. To ensure that the lack of transport for these people is no longer a barrier to getting vaccinated, Transvision launched the VaxiTaxi. The name says it all, by taxi to the vaccination. Safe, comfortable and timely transportation to and from the vaccination site. The transport is carried out by a friendly driver from certified companies and the transport takes place according to the latest measures of the RIVM.

"Many people are aware of the essence of vaccination to return to a 'normal' society. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can enjoy the little things again. Based on our social commitment and our belief that mobility is no one should be a hindrance, we have created the VaxiTaxi. For yourself, for your parents who live far away and who you cannot transport yourself or for your neighbor who does not know how to get to the vaccination location. for everyone. Cheap, safe and fast! "

rates are competitive

You book and pay for your trip (online) in advance. The rates are competitive and immediately transparent, just like the pick-up times. To ensure you arrive on time, they charge 10 minutes in addition to the normal travel time and take into account that a visit to the vaccination site takes between 30 and 35 minutes on the return journey. The Central Traffic Control also monitors, remotely and in real time, where the taxi vehicle is located, so you don't have to worry about arriving on time!

"We are happy to roll up our sleeves together with our driver. So that all you have to do is roll up your sleeve."


Transvision is the intermediary between national clients and the local transport offer. Examples of this are the collaborations with almost 300 taxi and bus companies throughout the Netherlands. Transvision is the partner in MaaS solutions. transvision is an expert in providing (specialist) passenger transport and takes responsibility for carefree travel. We unburden you by tackling the entire process. In addition to working with national and international tenders, they also work for large health insurers.

Technological trends and developments, such as zero-emission vehicles and autonomous vehicles, shared cars, are closely monitored at Transvision, both within and outside the market. They continuously optimize our services with innovations based on these developments.

Source: Transvision website / News

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elderly man visiting the vaccination center
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