Various road works Eindhoven ring road and A67

Rijkswaterstaat is working, among other things, to properly maintain and improve our road network in the Netherlands, for example by constructing new roads. They have announced that they will carry out maintenance on the A67 near Eindhoven and on the Eindhoven ring road in September. This means that during the weekends from 3 to 5 September and 10 to 12 September there will be various evening and night closures on the A67 near Eindhoven and on the Eindhoven Randweg. This therefore causes traffic nuisance and delays for traffic that would normally cross it. Maintenance of roads is very important, the highways in our country are of good quality and to keep this good, continuous management and maintenance work must be carried out.

One of 's priorities Rijkswaterstaat is to keep the Netherlands easily accessible. This is very important so that goods and people can reach their destination on time and safely, now and in the future. In order to minimize nuisance to road traffic, Rijkswaterstaat, together with municipalities and road authorities, has opted to carry out several types of work during the same road closure. This is also important for the safety of road workers and road users. Road users are also warned early about the closures and diversions regarding this work.

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