Advocating for smoke-free bus and tram stops

Smoking is and remains a sensitive subject. Smoking has been a taboo in and around the station for some time, all platforms and stations in our country will be smoke-free from 1 October 2020. The last smoke pole was donated to the railway museum last year. Also, tobacco is no longer sold at the stations near the Kiosk, the StationsHuiskamer and the AH to go. Ultimately, the Dutch Railways wants tobacco and related products to be no longer available at the station. The youth movement Rover Jong, part of the Rover traveler's association, now also wants smoke-free bus stops in our country. All train stations, buses, trains are already smoke-free. Now that the bus and tram stops are still being smoke-free, the youth movement of the Rover traveler's association is advocating for this.

“Public transport, together with the bicycle, is the sustainable and healthy mobility solution for the future. Young people want public transport to become even more sustainable and healthier. This does not suit unhealthy smoke smell while waiting for your bus. Some regional and local authorities have already decided to make public transport stops in their region smoke-free. We call on all municipalities and provinces to make smoke-free bus and tram stops, but also, for example, the walking routes between bus stop and station, so that all public transport in the Netherlands is smoke-free."

Robber Jong agrees with the statement: 'Towards a Smoke-free Generation', which is an initiative of the Heart Foundation, the Lung Fund and the KWF. There are already some regional and local governments in our country that have decided to make public transport stops in their region smoke-free. In Amersfoort all stops have a non-smoking pavement tile. This paving stone urges travelers not to smoke. All stops in Rotterdam are also smoke-free. Some municipalities in Twente, Utrecht and Amsterdam already have a number of smoke-free bus stops. In Gelderland they have also made the decision to make all bus stops there smoke-free. Still, there is still a lot of work to be done, many bus and tram stops are not smoke-free in our country. There will always be supporters and opponents of smoking, it is an activity that we see less and less on the street and also an activity that is less and less accepted by society.

Also read: More and more crowds on the roads and on the train

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