Dementia and keep driving

We are all getting older and certain things are no longer as obvious as when we were young. Unfortunately, many (older) people have to deal with a form of dementia. What if you get this diagnosis, can you still drive? Dementia can affect a person's driving behaviour. For example, it can influence orientation, but also have an overview of traffic. Of course it also has to do with how far it has progressed and how severe the dementia is. People with a light form can sometimes still drive. Fortunately, many older people are independent and still drive around town and country with their car. If they are no longer allowed to drive, they lose their freedom and depend on others. In the Netherlands, if you are 75 years or older and your driver's license expires, you must always be inspected by a doctor. 

To know whether you can still drive safely if you have been diagnosed with dementia, it is wise to discuss this with your doctor. If you have dementia and still want to continue driving, you must also complete a health declaration online at the CBR. The CBR will then investigate whether you can still drive safely. If a person with dementia causes an accident and has not reported to the CBR that he or she has dementia, the insurance can withdraw and not reimburse the damage. It is important for these people that they check their policy conditions. It CBR informs people with dementia and people in their environment in collaboration with Alzheimer Nederland, they have also placed a video on their website: Driving with dementia.

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