Little Red Riding Hood announces donation to Save the Children

This year, the Wishing Source in Efteling will provide a contribution of more than 7.500 euros.

Every year, visitors to the Efteling throw coins into the Wish Well for Save the Children. This year, more than 7.500 euros were raised. That is equivalent to more than 45 buckets full of coins. Like every year, Efteling donates the amount to Save the Children. Little Red Riding Hood has handed over the contribution to Save the Children.

Wish source

De Wensbron is located in a fairytale location in the Efteling, between Symbolica and the Baron 1898. At the opening of the Wish Source on May 21, 1985, Princess Juliana threw the very first coin on Visje Gijs's saucer. Since then, the well has been emptied annually and the proceeds go to the world's largest independent children's rights organization Save the Children. This year, the Wish Well has been emptied for the 35th time. In total, Efteling has donated more than 200.000 euros to children's rights organization Save the Children in recent years.


The donation from Efteling is used every year to support children and their families who need help most with nutrition, education and protection. The projects are being carried out in 120 countries from Afghanistan to Haiti, but also in the Netherlands. The TeamUp program helps refugee children to process their experiences through sports and play activities in schools and asylum seekers' centres. This is how children from 6 to 18 years old learn how to deal with their feelings

About Save the Children

Every child has the right to a happy childhood. That is why Save the Children is doing everything it can to improve the lives of children – and thus the future of our society. As the largest independent children's rights organization in the world, we give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from injustice. Every day again. unconditionally.

Photo: Efteling

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