Responsible use of alcohol during Christmas

Christmas Holidays: Stay sober on the road

Christmas Holidays: Stay sober on the road.

The use of alcohol in traffic often increases during the Christmas period, which can lead to increased risks of accidents and injuries. It is therefore important to understand the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol and to ensure that you handle alcohol responsibly when you are on the road.

According to the law, the blood alcohol content of a driver may not exceed 0,5 promille. However, it is recommended not to drink alcohol at all when driving, as even small amounts of alcohol can affect a driver's reaction time and judgment.

It is also important to remember that it can take time for alcohol to clear from the blood, so it is recommended that you schedule enough time to rest before hitting the road if you have consumed alcohol.

We therefore call on all drivers to handle alcohol responsibly during the Christmas season and to ensure they are sober when on the road. By managing alcohol wisely, we can help prevent accidents and injuries and keep everyone safe during the holiday season.

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Christmas Holidays: Stay sober on the road

It takes an average of about an hour for the body to break down one standard glass of beer, wine or spirits. This means that if you drink two glasses of wine, for example, it can take about two hours for the alcohol to clear from your blood. However, it's important to remember that this can vary depending on several factors, such as your weight, age, gender, and metabolism.

In addition, it is important to remember that blood alcohol levels can continue to rise even after you have stopped drinking. This can make it take longer for the alcohol to clear from your blood. It is therefore recommended that you schedule enough time to rest before hitting the road if you have consumed alcohol to ensure you are sober.

If you are unsure whether you are sober enough to drive, it is best to find another way to get to your destination, such as taking a taxi or public transport. This can help prevent accidents and injuries and keep you and others on the road safe.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol use is one of the leading causes of road accidents worldwide, accounting for about a quarter of all road deaths. In some countries this share may be even higher.

Even small amounts of alcohol can affect a driver's reaction time and judgment, leading to increased risks of crashes and injuries. That's why it's important to handle alcohol responsibly when you're on the road and make sure you're sober before driving. This can help prevent accidents and injuries and keep you and others safe on the road.

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