Mobility restricted by the introduction of curfews

Belgium locdown

This weekend in Flanders will be a weekend of parties and parties. At least for those who don't really understand what's going on in hospitals right now. It is therefore not possible to explain why corona measures only take effect on Monday, while the pressure is very high to take measures. That is asking for irresponsible behavior from the population.

curfew easier to control

Introducing a curfew is easier to control. Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (SP.A) clarifies that the curfew is being introduced to prevent people from meeting in the late hours.

“We also noticed in August that the curfew has worked in Antwerp. A curfew is now also being introduced in France because they are convinced that it works. ” , according to epidemiologist Pierre Van Damme.

There will be a curfew from midnight to 5am across the country. You may still come out during that time slot for urgent medical reasons or if it does not work otherwise for your work. This measure will also take effect from Monday.

caterer no solution

Hiring a caterer to continue the wedding or other family celebration is not an option now that the catering industry is closing for four weeks. You may not invite more than 4 people at the same time. You must respect the distance rules. They must be the same people for two weeks.

“No, it would be very unfair to restaurants if we allow banquets or parties with caterers to continue,” says Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (SP.A). “For closing banquets, standing or sitting, the same arguments apply as for restaurants. There is one important exception, and that is a coffee table after a funeral. That is allowed with no more than forty people, but it is possible. You only die once, and you only have a funeral for family or friends to which you are invited. ”

A maximum of 200 people may be present at a funeral ceremony, as long as a distance of 1,5 meters can be maintained. These rules apply to farewell ceremonies in churches, mosques, but also in the auditorium of a crematorium or at a funeral home. A maximum of 19 people may be present at a coffee table after the ceremony from Monday 40 October.

Also read: Funerals for high-risk meetings for the sector

sandwich and coffee table
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