Maximum speed of 30 km / h on the streets of Brussels

Brussels City 30 - a first assessment

On January 1, 2021, Brussels will become a City 30. A maximum speed of 30 km / h in the streets of the capital will then become the rule. Brussels Mobility will start the transition in early November 2020 with the installation of new road signs. On January 1, the measure that the Brussels government approved on July 16, 2020 will enter into force. This is an important change for all residents, businesses, employees and visitors to the Brussels Region. Brussels Mobility is actively preparing the transition in the field this autumn with the installation of new road signs.

“The City 30 is becoming reality. These adjustments are the first concrete signs of this. The Region and the 19 municipalities are working together on a safer and quieter city for all road users thanks to more legible traffic signs, ”says Elke van den Brandt, Brussels Minister for Mobility and Road Safety.

Specifically, from the week of 9 November to 31 December, the teams of Brussels Mobility will first place 1350 signs with a speed limit of 50 km / h, indicating the exceptions to the general rule of 30 km / h. These works are being carried out gradually, district by district, starting in the north of the capital.

“The City 30 will bring more peace to our neighborhoods. We are pleased to see that Brussels Mobility is making the first adjustments to the traffic signage in Jette. It is a sign of our good cooperation with the Region on this project for the future ”, adds Hervé Doyen, Mayor of Jette.

There will also be signs at the outer borders of the Region indicating the start of the built-up area. These will be revealed on the night of December 31 to January 1. Finally, Brussels Mobility will also have to remove 6.000 signs that now indicate the start and end of a zone 30 and which will no longer be needed from 1 January. These works will take place between January 1 and March 31, 2021.

All removed boards will be given a second life. If possible, new road signs are made or the aluminum is reused in urban furniture. Brussels Mobility, for example, is investigating the possibility of installing benches made from the recycled aluminum of road signs in certain public places in the Brussels Region.

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