ACM warns travel providers to immediately display clear prices

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ACM has sent a letter to all 12 travel providers with their results, what needs to be adjusted, and once again listed the most important rules for correct and clear prices.

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) warns the largest providers of package holidays to state their prices transparently. A recent check at twelve prominent package travel providers showed that eleven of them did not correctly state the mandatory additional costs. This means that consumers were regularly unable to book package holidays at the prices initially displayed on the websites.

ACM has now given these travel providers eight weeks to bring their price listings in line with the requirements. Failure to do so will result in sanctions, including possible fines.

According to ACM, the prices for which a trip is offered must actually be available to the consumer, without hidden costs or so-called “baiters”. When a customer fills in a travel date, it should be immediately clear what costs are involved, and not later in the booking process.

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Many consumers have indicated that clarity in prices is essential when making their holiday choice. The unexpected costs can lead to distrust and hesitation to make future bookings, especially at a time when budgets are tighter.

Frank Oostdam, director of travel umbrella organization ANVR, supports ACM's position that travel providers must provide clarity about all costs at the time of booking. However, he has mixed feelings about showing charges that are due at the holiday destination.

Edwin van Houten, Director of Consumer Affairs at ACM, emphasized the importance of clear price indications: “Price is a crucial criterion for consumers when choosing a trip. We want to avoid unexpected costs, whether during the booking process or at their travel destination.”

Earlier in 2022, ACM already conducted an investigation into price indications in the travel industry and urged travel providers to use fair and clear prices. At the time, the emphasis was on holiday homes, many of which have adjusted their price listings after ACM's intervention.

ACM's current focus is on package tours, which include two or more different travel elements. The law is unambiguous: all costs must be clearly stated in advance. If providers do not comply with this, ACM considers this to be misleading and will take enforcement action. The travel providers have now been given one last chance to adapt.

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