From old De Lijn tram seats to trendy…

From old De Lijn tram seats to trendy…

Carlo ScheirOctober 30, 20233 reading time

If you thought that the fight against climate change is only the purview of environmental groups or government agencies, think again. The Flemish transport company De Lijn and the Belgian sustainable sneaker brand Komrads are coming together with a new product: a sneaker made from…

Mobility alarm bells sound louder than ever for…

Mobility alarm bells sound louder than ever for…

Gerrit SayyOctober 30, 20238 reading time

From affordability to sustainability: how do political parties want to keep our country mobile in the coming years? It is an urgent call that sounds like an alarm bell in the ears of everyone involved in mobility in the Netherlands. The question is…

From overcrowded roads to exorbitant charging rates

From overcrowded roads to exorbitant charging rates

EditorsOctober 29, 20233 reading time

Safety incidents and oversight concerns cast doubt on the future of self-driving taxis in San Francisco. It is a week of contradictions, from tricky questions about safety to concerns about the affordability of green mobility. Traffic psychologist Matthijs Dicke outlines…

road rage

Traffic psychologist Matthijs Dicke warns: “Dutch roads are approaching…

EditorsOctober 29, 20236 reading time

Listening to road users and anticipating traffic trends are the keys to achieving Vision Zero. Increasing aggression and individualization among motorists, traffic psychologist Matthijs Dicke warns that Dutch roads are gradually reaching their limits in terms of safety. According to Dicke, working…

A new life for old tracks 11…

A new life for old tracks 11…

EditorsOctober 28, 20234 reading time

The future of train traffic in The Hague Central Station is undergoing a major redesign. ProRail announces that it is reviving a long-dormant project. Restoring tracks 11 and 12 at the fourth largest train station in…