Uber in a corner: charges of corporate espionage…

Uber in a corner: charges of corporate espionage…

EditorsApril 2, 20243 reading time

A significant case has emerged in the courts of Victoria that is attracting the attention of both the technology and legal communities. Uber is accused of serious misconduct, including corporate espionage and hacking into competitors' systems.…

Amsterdam Police

Goodbye racing bike: government tackles souped-up e-bikes

EditorsApril 2, 20243 reading time

Minister Harbers is committed to safety with an end to performance sets and significant fines. The era of the popularity of souped-up electric bicycles may have peaked. The new concern, the performance of these two-wheelers, is being restricted...

excise tourism

Excise tourism: bus to tax paradise is the outing…

EditorsApril 2, 20243 reading time

Cigarette tourism and tobacco hunting across the border is booming after price increases. The recent increases in excise duties on tobacco products in the Netherlands are driving smokers to take inventive measures to reduce the costs of their smoking habit. A pack of cigarettes in the Netherlands now costs around…

guide dog

Assistance dog: legal welcome, practically refused

EditorsApril 1, 20244 reading time

Every situation is different, but often the dog owner of a guide dog is confronted by an employee who is not aware of the legislation. The indispensable companions are still refused despite clear legal regulations. Service dog owners in the Netherlands experience…

ACM intervenes: green leaves fall from…

ACM intervenes: green leaves fall from…

EditorsApril 1, 20243 reading time

According to the ACM, Booking.com's Travel Sustainable program did not meet the requirements set by law and are detailed in the ACM's sustainability claims guideline. After a careful evaluation by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM),…