Student teams ready for Self Driving Challenge

Student teams ready for Self Driving Challenge

EditorsNovember 28 20223 reading time

From February, 6 motivated student teams will be ready for the fifth edition of the challenge. The RDW has contracted 6 student teams in the Closed Category, factory class Kart, for next year. This is a doubling of the number of teams…

Corendon ignores Schiphol

Corendon ignores Schiphol

EditorsNovember 28 20223 reading time

Atilay Uslu fears that capacity at Schiphol will still have to be cut during the May holidays and the summer due to the security guard shortage. Tour operator Corendon is once again intervening at Schiphol's home base. The chaos and higher costs of Schiphol cause…

Stimulation policy for hydrogen in mobility

Stimulation policy for hydrogen in mobility

EditorsNovember 27 20223 reading time

Letter to Parliament about the start of a hydrogen incentive policy in mobility. State Secretary Heijnen (IenW) informed the House of Representatives about the development of public hydrogen filling stations from 2022 to 2025. Stimulating hydrogen in mobility is one of the objectives in the 1 Climate Agreement.…

The rail sector is short of technical professionals

The rail sector is short of technical professionals

EditorsNovember 27 20223 reading time

This new initiative will start as a pilot on March 1, 2023 and will ensure an influx of railway engineers in the short term. The rail sector is short of technical professionals. To do something about this, ProRail, Railcenter, Technical Valley…

National 24-hour strike in Taxi and Healthcare Transport

National 24-hour strike in Taxi and Healthcare Transport

EditorsNovember 26 20223 reading time

We are on the eve of another strike. Trade union FNV calls on all employees throughout the country of Bios Groep, Citax, Connexxion, Dorenbos, Haars Groep, Munckhof, Noot, RMC, TCR, de Vlieger, Witteveen and Willemsen de Koning to…