A lot of nuisance for traffic due to the first storm this year

A lot of nuisance for traffic due to the first storm this year

After weeks of fog and wetness, today is the first official storm of 2022 for a change. Today the KNMI even has code orange for North Holland, Friesland and…

Lots of work on the track this year

Lots of work on the track this year

There is always a lot of work to be done around the track, and no fewer than thirty-four major projects are planned for this year. More and more people are using…

Middelburg station completely renovated in the coming years

Middelburg station completely renovated in the coming years

NS, ProRail and the Municipality of Middelburg are going to seriously tackle the station and the area around it. In the coming years, the station building will be renovated and laid out in a smarter way, the platform roof and passenger tunnel will be refurbished...