The Party for the Animals chooses its own approach to…

The Party for the Animals chooses its own approach to…

The focus is on the pedestrian and the cyclist. The party advocates more space for these two groups of road users, and less for car traffic. It is clear that the Party…

BBB has developed its vision on mobility for the region…

BBB has developed its vision on mobility for the region…

BBB does not want a coalition agreement, but a directing agreement. The Boer Burger Beweging (BBB), the political party led by Caroline van der Plas, has a unique approach for the future…

Volt's mobility plan has a sustainable and inclusive…

Volt's mobility plan has a sustainable and inclusive…

Volt sees a future in which we combine different means of transport, from regional and international train connections to bicycles and car sharing. The Dutch political landscape has a new player with high…

JA21 vision on Dutch aviation, infrastructure and national…

JA21 vision on Dutch aviation, infrastructure and national…

The party wants more attention for the region and is calling for a separate minister for this. They want to invest more in public transport in rural areas and opt for…

Groenlinks-PvdA has a new vision on mobility for the Netherlands

Groenlinks-PvdA has a new vision on mobility for the Netherlands

An interesting aspect of the GroenLinks-PvdA election manifesto is the focus on hydrogen as an alternative, sustainable energy source. Today the joint election manifesto of GroenLinks and the PvdA was presented. It…

The CDA's Mobility Plan invests in an accessible and…

The CDA's Mobility Plan invests in an accessible and…

According to the CDA, antisocial behavior in traffic and against public transport staff should be punished more severely. The CDA has presented its election manifesto. Ralph Diederen, chairman of the program committee, presented the program…

The VVD's vision on mobility known, time for…

The VVD's vision on mobility known, time for…

The party also wants to invest in making mobility and self-driving taxis smart. The VVD has presented its draft election manifesto for the coming elections. Mobility appears to be an important…