BGNU pleads for a protected profession for funeral care

BGNU pleads for a protected profession for funeral care

The Trade Association of Certified Dutch Funeral Companies (BGNU) is shocked by the images that journalist Alberto Stegeman made undercover at a funeral director. According to the BGNU, this shows that quality rules that apply to all…

funeral services

The funeral law is still a long way off...

The Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, KH Ollongren, today informed the House about the planning for the treatment of the Funeral Act (Wlb). The standing committee for…

funeral transport

Funeral expenses for transport are not always fully covered in policy

Research by the Consumers' Association from 2006 and 2018 has shown that the costs of an average funeral have increased from 5000 - 6000 euros in 2006 to a small...

To the final resting place in style with The Cheetah,…

To the final resting place in style with The Cheetah,…

According to director Patrik Straver of Straver Mobility Funeral Transport, the time is over when everyone wants to be taken to their final resting place in a standard black car. Funerals are becoming…